Yiannis Tzortzis Green-Project-Africa (a preview)
Esplanade Building
Water Square (next to Tae Kwon Do Stadium)
Olympic Pole Faliro, Olympic Properties
Opening: Friday November 19, 20.00
Duration: November 19 – December 12, 2010
Opening hours: Tuesday-Friday 17.00-22.00, Saturday-Sunday 12.00-22.00
Powered by: olympic
As part of the central exhibition program of the Athens Photo Festival 2010 that will be developed in the Esplanada building, the exhibition of Yiannis Tzorgzis “Green-Project-Africa” opens on Friday, November 19
(a preview)”.
Aesthetics is the ethics of the future (M. Gorky)
“Green-Project-Africa (a preview)” is the first summary, edited by Nina Kassianou, of the personal testimony of Yiannis Tzorgis (Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain), who participated in the 20-member mission of the NGO Green Project (GP www.green-project.org) in Africa in the summer of 2010, the International Year of Biodiversity. GP carried out the “green” art & science trek: “Athens-Cape Town from the roads of water to the roads of energy”, in the framework of the initiatives of UNESCO, UNEP and the European Commission.
In particular, the artist crossed the black continent traveling in low-CO2 cars (first world effort). In this demanding undertaking of 17,500 km and 55 days, he captured points of environmental interest in 8 African countries (Egypt, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Zambia, Botswana and South Africa) in analogue panoramic photographs.
Moving on the boundaries of art-photojournalism, Tzortzis used photography as art, but also as a record, seeking to identify opportunities for “green” development on the black continent, against the prevailing prejudices. His photographs project an “other” aesthetic/ethics for the rational use of natural resources in tackling energy poverty, improving living conditions and protecting biodiversity.
This effort is a continuation of the successful 2008 tour “Green Project in Asia: Athens-Beijing from the Silk Roads to the Roads of Energy”, which was presented at the “Athens Photo Festival 2009”, at the “798 Anniart 2010” in Beijing and awarded at the “Festival International de l’Image Envrironnetale 2010” in Paris.
Green Project is a non-profit organization, which originated from the voluntary initiative of active citizens, scientists and artists, with the aim of awakening environmental consciousness through artistic creation. By conducting “green art & science treks”, GP seeks to be a tool of cross-cultural communication, aiming to help highlight the strong energy ties and common environmental concerns among the peoples it visits.
info@green-project.org, www.green-project.org
contact@hcp.gr, www.hcp.gr